Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Harper's Big Day

This morning was Harper's first day of pre-school.  As expected, she was not nervous at all...hardly glanced backward as she walked in to the play (free choice) area of her school.  I ran to Costco and Hobby Lobby and did some laundry until it was time to get her.  The first thing she said when she got in the car was that there are "no tweats" allowed.  She ate her M and M treat from her lunch bag on the way home.  She also said she painted and made a new friend, but didn't know her name.  School wore her out, she napped this afternoon.  A great day for this big girl and her mama too.

I made four lunches this morning...a first of many for me. 
  Rylan was being so sweet this morning...packed her lunch in her bag and was showing Harper how to work the zipper on her backpack.  
Big Girl ready for her day...
Waiting in the car...
Walking in with Dad...
I don't think she knew what all the fuss was about.  She hung her backpack and was ready to head in.  I had to ask her to stand for one last picture. 

Just for a moment I thought I'd go back in time. 
Logan, Presley, and Ry on their first days of pre-school.  

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