Monday, July 29, 2013

Swim Lessons and Soccer Camps

The past few weeks we've been keeping busy with swimming lessons at Cashmere City Pool and soccer camps at the Sportsplex.

Swim lessons are done in 2 week sessions so Ry took lessons the first two weeks of July and Harper and Presley took swim lessons the last 2 weeks of July.  Throw in Logan's goal keeping camp and Ry's youth soccer camp and we've managed to have some full days this month.

Ry at swim lessons:
Ry is a very strong swimmer.  We go swimming quite a bit in the afternoons.  Presley and Logan have each passed their swim tests, which means they can go anywhere in the deep end and off the slide and diving board.  Ry hasn't taken it yet, although I do think he could pass. That means he can only be in the deep end of the big pool if I'm with him.  So Harper jumps off the side a bazillion times and I catch her and Ry swims around me.  He can not touch where we swim and he still keeps up with Presley and Logan while treading water or swimming the entire time.  He has recently discovered diving for rings so I'll toss them in over and over and he'll dive down and grab them.  It's really remarkable.  
Ry didn't pass his class this time.  It's a tough class where he has to master the back, breast, and butterfly stroke.  He was the smallest kid in his class.  He wasn't upset about it, but I think this is the reason he won't take the swim test. 
He did have a fun time getting to go down the slide on the last day.
Presley and Harper were so happy in lessons.  This picture doesn't capture it, but they were skipping into the pool house.
Presley at swim lessons:

She mastered the dive. 

But her favorite part of all was getting to jump off the diving board. 
She did pass her Orca class which puts her in the Shark class.  
Harper at lessons:
She was the only child in her class to jump off the diving board on the last day. 
Harper passed her class too so went from a Tiny Tadpole to a Seahorse. 

Soccer Camps:
Logan opted to not do swim lessons this year.  He's a very good swimmer though so I didn't push him to do them.  I was thankful for a goal keeping soccer camp.  The leader of this camp told Dave that Logan's a very good goalie. 

Ry also did a soccer camp. 

And look who was selected to be the Camper of the Week!!!  So proud of Ry!!

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