Friday, July 19, 2013

Babies on the Brain

Soooo, the Great Kate Wait continues on...No royal baby yet!!

And, the kids and I are heading to the Tri-Cities later today to celebrate another very special preggo lady tomorrow.  

I'm up to my eyeballs in cutesie shower decorations, ideas, and games.
Dave is in San Diego for a work meeting.  

I took lots of belly pictures when I was pregnant with all the kids, but I found this one on my computer.  Harper in my belly...
Mother's Day 2009 with Presley and Logan

I was wishing Rylan was in the picture with us too, but then I found this one taken the same week. 
How his mommy must have looked to him.   

Babies on my brain...and thankful that I get to be an aunt again. 

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