Monday, July 1, 2013

June Memory Recap

I didn't seem to have my camera out much this month, but I wanted to include some pictures I did manage to take for memory's sake.

I found this paper in Ry's folder shortly after my June 4th birthday.  
I like cake and frosting and ice cream and sugar.
Me too buddy, me too. 

This paper came home from Logan.  He wrote a memory story and gave the final product to Papa with the berries for Father's Day.  I thought it was very sweet.
Harper colored all by herself at the Olive Garden.  I thought she did a very good job of staying in the lines.
Ry bought a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle set that came with num-chucks and this mask.  Hilarious.
Sunnyslope has a family BBQ for lunch right before the end of the school year.  Harper and I joined the kids and ate lunch with them.  This was only one of two days Logan took hot lunch.  So thankful for a break from making lunches first thing in the morning.

Harper and Presley each had camps the week of June 24th.  Presley went to Camp Invention at her school and Harper did a pre-school camp at the place she'll be attending next year, Seeds Learning Center.  This was the first day.  By day 3, Harper was telling me that I didn't need to walk her in (I had to sign her in).  I think she's going to do fine come September.

These two trampoline jumpers. Presley can do a cartwheel from the little trampoline up to the top...
I signed them both up for summer gymnastics.  It starts July 10th

After camp one day, I found these 3 playing the game of Life in Presley's room.  They actually played quietly for a long time.  I LOVE when they play together.
The last week-end of June, Dave and Logan went to Spokane together because Dave played in Hoopfest.  His team lost their first two games and won their last two games, which somehow, made them the champions of the consolation bracket.   They got a championships T-shirt so I guess it was legit.   I've never been but Logan had a good time walking around.
I think they may have had some late nights in Spokane...on the way home. 
While those two were gone, Ry, Harper and I made the most of our week-end too.  A trip to Rotary Park, ice-cream sundaes, and swimming at the Cashmere pool.

Bring on the heat...we're ready for July!!

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