Thursday, July 28, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 26 (2022)

 Day 176, Saturday, June 25th

The Cashmere Founder's Day Parade was a hot one!

Day 177, Sunday, June 26th

Presley with the pup cup treat for Chewy. 

Day 178, Monday, June 27th

The Cashmere boys basketball team attended the Gonzaga Team Camp this week. 
Ry on the bulldog. 

Day 179, Tuesday, June 28th

Happy for Summertime!

Day 180, Wednesday, June 29th

Waiting on the porch for Dad to come home with Rylan

Day 181, Thursday, June 30th

Harper had an ortho appointment and we saw Presley's royalty picture on the wall. 

Day 182, Friday, July 1st 

A typical Ry/Mom text exchange. 
We were in the same room together.  :)

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