Thursday, July 28, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27 (2022)

 Day 183, Saturday, July 2nd

Harper and I watched (and danced to) Encanto tonight. 

Day 184, Sunday, July 3rd

Playing toss with a water balloon in the pool. 

Day 185, Monday, July 4th

Happy Fourth of July
Watching the fireworks from our back deck (with a giant container of licorice) 

Day 186, Tuesday, July 5th

A yawning Harper with Chewy on his morning potty break. 

Day 187, Wednesday, July 6th

I dropped off Harper and her friend to their overnight volleyball camp at Whitworth University in Spokane. 

Day 188, Thursday, July 7th

Grandma came to visit for a few days and Ry took her for a drive.  

Day 189, Friday, July 8th

We went and had ice cream at the Hot Rod Cafe and then walked across the bridge and over to the campground.  

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