Thursday, July 28, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28 (2022)

 Day 190, Saturday, July 9th

Grandma went with Dad and Ry to pick up Logan from the airport. 

Day 191, Sunday, July 10th

Getting ready to drive Grandma and Archie to meet Papa and Presley. 

Day 192, Monday, July 11th

Ry at his ortho appointment today. 

Day 193, Tuesday, July 12th

This group went to the late showing of "Thor" tonight. 

Day 194, Wednesday, July 13th

We had the final Applarian Social Dinner tonight for this year's royalty. 

Day 195, Thursday, July 14th

Two-square inside today.
Dave, Logan and Troy went to a boxing match tonight in Toppenish. 

Day 196, Friday, July 15th

I took Ry and Logan to shoot around/play one on one tonight

Logan can still dunk 
(I figured he could, but he had to prove it)!

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