Friday, July 29, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 29 (2022)

 Day 197, Saturday, July 16th

The Apple Blossom Royalty won the Grand Sweepstakes Trophy tonight at the Capital Lakefair parade. 
(That's the Capitol Building behind them in the distance)

Day 198, Sunday, July 17th

There are 2 parades left but this one was the last parade that all 3 would be at so this is the last picture of them together during their parade tour! 

Day 199, Monday, July 18th

Ry passed his state driving test today with a 96% (he said he got so lucky on his parallel parking)

Day 200, Tuesday, July 19th

Pool Spikeball

Day 201, Wednesday, July 20th

Harper had a friend over for a sleepover today. 

Day 202, Thursday, July 21st

Harper wanted me to video her jumping into her chair.

Day 203, Friday, July 22nd

Ry had his individual Gonzaga camp this weekend. 
This was the drop off--he found some friends from Wenatchee to hang out with. 

Presley and I went to see the movie "Where the Crawdads Sing" today.

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