Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 25 (2022)

Day 169, Saturday, June 18th

Marysville Strawberry Festival

Day 170, Sunday, June 19th

Father's Day with our one and only!

Day 171, Monday, June 20th

Ry's Drivers Training Teacher has COVID so he had zoom classes this week. 

Day 172, Tuesday, June 21st

Chewy in a pool in the pool

Day 173, Wednesday, June 22nd

Ry's been begging to drive Logan's jeep so I let him today and took a pic to text to Logan. 

Day 174, Thursday, June 23rd

Harper had volleyball camp this week. 

Day 175, Friday, June 24th

Presley had the opportunity to meet Govenor Inslee today while he was touring a Cashmere Mealworm Beta Hatch.

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