Thursday, June 16, 2022

Senior Scooter Parade and Senior Celebration: 6-3-22

 Presley and her friends started their day with the tradition of the scooter parade to the high school. 

Dave dropped her off at their starting point, then we drove her car to the high school, and then we drove my car to park along the route to wave them all on. 

Once they made it to the high school, they had their final walk through the school. led by the Golden Apple Band, before their rehearsal. 

With friends, on their way to the Apple Bowl for rehearsal. 

I had to speak at the rehearsal to tell the kids about what to expect at the celebration so I was able to spot Presley and knew where she'd be sitting later that night.

I didn't get a lot of pics of Presley at the celebration party but she shared a few.
I think the seniors had a really good time. 

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