Saturday, September 26, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38 (2020)

 Day 260, Wednesday, September 16th

Harper's friend took a family trip for a few days and asked us to keep their new kitty, Buttons. 
Harper was a huge fan of the kitty, Chewy was not. 

Day 261, Thursday, September 17th
Our new couch and chairs arrived today. 
The big sectional was moved downstairs.  

Day 262, Friday, September 18th
Dave wanted to see if he could still dunk at 46 years old...and he was close but could not (at least not in Birkenstocks). 
So he bounced the ball off the backboard and Logan went up to dunk it. 

Day 263, Saturday, September 19th
Happy #46!
(Presley went to a friends house for a sleepover)

Day 264, Sunday, September 20th
I caught up with Logan while he was out on a bike ride. 

Day 265, Monday, September 21st
Presley's first day of her Junior year and also her first day as a Freshman at WVC.
She started Running Start this morning, fall quarter is all online. 

Day 266, Tuesday, September 22nd
Ry at an Eastmont Park playing in a pick up 3 on 3 game. 

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