Monday, September 14, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 36 (2020)

 Day 246, Wednesday, September 2nd

Dentist appointments for all 4 today. 
The nurse asked if Logan wanted to pick from the toy box and he did!

Day 247, Thursday, September 3rd
Snuggles with Chewy this morning. 

Day 248, Friday, September 4th
Logan had a cupping massage today. 
Really weird looking, but he said it felt good. 

Day 249, Saturday, September 5th
Chewy's chore is to bring in the newspaper on Saturday mornings. 

Day 250, Sunday, September 6th
Some days are perfect, some are not!

Day 251, Monday, September 7th
Logan is writing a descriptive essay so we took a drive to the place he was writing about---Hydro Park. 
He's taking notes here.

Day 252, Tuesday, September 8th
Playing chase with Chewy!  He had swim goggles. 

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