Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 33 (2020)

 Day 225, Wednesday, August 12th

Dave and the kids went on a day-long hike up to Lake Colchuck

Day 226, Thursday, August 13th
Logan's soccer season has been officially cancelled for fall with a plan to play the full season in spring. 

Day 227, Friday, August 14th
Presley texted me a a picture of her allergy eyes.

Day 228, Saturday, August 15th
Rylan has saved up all of his birthday money for years and finally splurged on a new gaming computer and headset. 

Day 229, Sunday, August 16th

Harper has been an amazing help during recovery.  She carries out all of my bags, brings the groceries in for me, and helps me lean down to get the laundry out of the dryer, 

Day 230, Monday, August 17th
Logan's first day of college was not how we expected it to be. 
He's online and his first class is 9 AM EASTERN TIME, which means he's online starting at 6 AM.
But he enjoyed his first ZOOM classes and he's trying to embrace this learning style. 

Grandma and Papa came up today to look at a motorhome in Cashmere, and they bought it!
They joined us for dinner and Chewy and Archie were so happy to see each other. 

Day 231, Tuesday, August 18th
Harper does all my water therapy with me in the mornings. 
She does laps and sets the pace for me. 
She encourages me and ups my kick board laps too. 

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