Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's , Week 31 (2020)

 Day 211, Wednesday, July 29th

Grandma always makes mints for graduation parties so it was the day to make them for Logan's. 

Harper and Presley were helpers. 

Day 212, Thursday, July 30th

We got out of the house today and drove to Leavenworth to have Cold Stone Creamery ice-cream. 
Chewy was getting a haircut today, but Archie joined us. 

All four of us did face masks tonight before bed. 

Day 213, Friday, July 31st

Cristy came today to spend a few hours with us and Logan before Logan headed off to college. 

Day 214, Saturday, August 1st

A busy day ahead for us so we started with a Wild Huckleberry breakfast. 
Restaurants are allowed to sit 5 max at a table so we broke up into 2 tables. 
(Logan had a workout this morning he didn't want to miss). 

Amy, Mylee, and Alyson came up a day early to help me get ready for Logan's party. 
I really needed the help!

Logan took these 4 on a hike after dinner tonight. 

Day 215, Sunday, August 2nd

Our family at Logan's graduation party. 

Day 216, Monday, August 3rd

I fell asleep after Logan's party and Grandma and Papa left while I was out. 
I woke up to this note on my fridge. 
Grandma stayed with us for nearly 3 weeks while I was recovering and in great need of help.  
She cooked, cleaned, read with kids, swam to Elvis' Moonlight Swim, played cards with us and re-taught us Hearts, got me hooked on the game show America Says,  checked on my incisions, listened to me cry and complain and question Dad about my recovery, laughed at me and with me, helped me pick out pictures for Logan's video when I couldn't stop crying...she was everything I didn't even know I needed.  

It was also the first day I was allowed to get in the pool.  I had to have help to get down the stairs to the pool and to get into the pool.   But once in, I stretched, floated, did bicycle kicks, and tried a few laps.  

It really felt wonderful!

Day 217, Tuesday, August 4th

I was also given permission to drive so I took Ry to his soccer practice. 
Harper was happy to see her friend and play with her.  

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