Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 30 (2020)

 Day 204, Wednesday, July 22nd

Your Grandma came to stay with us to help after my surgery. 
The night before surgery we played "Oh Hell" together. 

Day 205, Thursday, July 23rd

Moments before I was wheeled back for a ALIF with perc screws (Dad told me this).
I had no idea what the next weeks would bring, but I was ready to be out of the sciatic pain I'd been in since July 4th. 
By 2:00 my spine looked like this. 

Day 206, Friday, July 24th
While I was being discharged today, the kids took Grandma on a hike.

Day 207, Saturday, July 25th

Amy came to stay with us this weekend and she tried out Harper's hoverboard.

Day 208, Sunday, July 26th

Amy and I both took a little nap this afternoon. 
Amy and Grandma took you guys mini-golfing in Leavenworth today. 
It was the hottest day of the summer there!

Day 209, Monday, July 27th
Amy left us today. 
The plan was for grandma to go home with her too, but I begged her to stay, and was willing to. 
Archie and Chewy were learning to be buddies. 

We also got news today that due to COVID-19, the Wenatchee School District would be starting the fall online, rather than in face to face instruction.  

Day 210, Tuesday, July 28th

We played lots of card games while Grandma was with us. 
This night we played "Oh Hell" outside on the deck.

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