Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 32

 Day 218, Wednesday, August 5th

Logan's 19th Birthday Today

Day 219, Thursday, August 6th

Logan's college announced they would start the fall semester online.

Day 220, Friday, August 7th

I like to text the kids that I'm on my home with groceries so they can help me unload them. 
Ry was at the ready when I pulled in. 

Day 221, Saturday, August 8th

Our 22nd wedding anniversary. 

Day 222, Sunday, August 9th

My right foot often feels tingly and drives me crazy. 
Ry massaged it for me tonight. 

Day 223, Monday, August 10th

Ry watching a James Harden video so he can try to copy his shooting and footwork . 

Day 224, Tuesday, August 11th

Harper and Logan showing me their flexibility. 

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