Thursday, June 4, 2020

Ten Things to Love about Quarantine

Some Good News
We are huge "The Office" fans here and to watch John Krasinski (Jim) put on a show from his home office on all the good news of the week has put a smile on our face. 
And the graduation episode, TEARS!
We watched on YouTube

5th Day Dinner
I told Dave early on in quarantine that I would make dinner 4 days in a row and then the 5th day would be a take out/pick up curbside option.  
We do usually eat out once or twice a week anyways, but the 5th day isn't always on a Saturday or Sunday, so  it's kind fun to order something on a Tuesday or Thursday :)'s the little things!
Its become a family joke to ask me ,"are we on the 5th day?" (because I hate when I hear the question, "what's for dinner?" 5 times a day)
We try to order locally to support restaurants, but have also had Red Robin and Chipotle. 

Drive Through Birthday Parades
I've only been to one of these but Presley has participated in a couple of birthday parades!
How fun!  The signs, the honking and waving, and throwing candy!  A great alternative to an at-home party. 

And last night, Logan's Aguilitas soccer team had a drive by graduation parade!  
The ambulance even showed up with lights flashing. 

Family Walks
We are a busy family!  We do lots of traveling with sports and work, especially in the spring, and I know I've complained about the go, go, go piece of it in the past. 
So to have everything finished (before it really even started) has been a weird adjustment. 
But one thing I'll take away from quarantine is the gift of family time (like oodles and oodles of it)
We take a family walk almost every night. 

Laundry is caught up
I'm never caught up on laundry, but I am now. 
The kitchen might be always dirty now so maybe its a bit of a trade off. 

TV shows that are filmed at home
The new normal has been to watch shows like Jimmy Fallon and the Today Show be filmed from their homes with no audience. 
Weird and something I won't forget!

Ways we Stay Connected
If I wasn't thankful for technology before, I certainly am now. 
Facebook, Facebook Messenger for Kids, FaceTime, SnapChat, Instagram, Zoom Meetings, FlipGrids, Google Meets, and texting has all taken on an enormous role in communicating with those we love!

Staying up Late/Sleeping In
It goes without saying that we love the freedom of our current school and work schedule!
Except Chewy, who seems to appreciate a 6 AM wake up/pee break.
Re-entry in September is going to be tough--I'm calling it now!

I fully understand that we've been in a pandemic, but sometimes we all need a little humor too. 
Memes make me laugh.

Kindness in Humanity
We've always needed more of this!

I love the way our community has shown kindness to each other.
I love the world has shown kindness to each other. 
I love hearing and reading stories of the different ways we are supporting one another. 
We need to keep this up!

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