Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 39 (2018)

Day 267, Monday, September 24th
Harper's first time doing Travel Club. 
She got 100% today. 

Day 268, Tuesday, September 25th
Presley on her way into her driving school. 

Day 269, Wednesday, September 26th
Dad and Rylan on their way to 6th grade camp this morning. 

Day 270, Thursday, September 27th
Rylan getting ready to do the zip line. 

Day 271, Friday, September 28th
Presley was asked to the homecoming dance today at school. 

Day 272, Saturday, September 29th
A win for Harper's soccer team today. 
Dad giving loves to Presley tonight. 
He left out of town for the week on a 6 AM flight. 

Day 273, Sunday, September 30th
Before Dave left, he turned off the heater to the pool. 
I was shocked that these two still took a long swim today.  
Ry wanted nothing to do with it. 

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