Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38 (2018)

Day 260, Monday, September 17th
Still making time for an evening swim. 

Day 261, Tuesday, September 18th
Harper woke up early with me so she painted her nails while I got breakfast ready. 

Day 262, Wednesday, September 19th
Happy Birthday to Dad!

Day 263, Thursday, September 20th
Harper with the soccer throw in. 

Day 264, Friday, September 21st
With a great horned owl at the salmon festival in Leavenworth. 
(My last one to chaperone)

Day 265, Saturday, September 22nd
At a birthday party today for a school friend. 

Day 266, Sunday, September 23rd
And one more birthday ice skating party. 

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