Monday, September 3, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35 (2018)

Day 239, Monday, August 27th
Ry is 11 1/2 so a half doughnut for breakfast was in order. 

Day 240, Tuesday, August 28th
6th grade orientation. 

Day 241, Wednesday, August 29th
First Day of School

Day 242, Thursday, August 30th
A beautiful evening for a soccer practice. 
That's Harper in the orange jersey. 

Day 243, Friday, August 31st
Harper's teacher noticed that her birthday was on the night of the Root Beer Social. 
She emailed me to ask if Harper would like to be the first of her class to celebrate a birthday. 
So I brought in ice cream cups for her class on their first Friday. 

Day 244, Saturday, September 1st
We picked up Rylan's saxophone for his band class today. 

Day 245, Sunday, September 2nd
A very summery feeling beginning of September. 

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