Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 37 (2018)

Day 253, Monday, September 10th
Evening bike riding. 

Day 254, Tuesday, September 11th
Presley starts her drivers training classes next week. 
She's getting a little more confident behind the wheel. 

Day 255, Wednesday, September 12th
Nighttime Kindle reading. 

Day 256, Thursday, September 13th
Watching YouTube together. 

Day 257, Friday, September 14th
Our first home football game tonight. 
We were all at the game...Logan and Presley are on the other side of the field somewhere. 

Day 258, Saturday, September 15th
Picture day for soccer. 
Harper found a couple friends. 

Day 259, Sunday, September 16th
The neighborhood kids and Ry and Harper went searching for frogs down at the retention pond.  

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