Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Spring Musical Concerts

The all district arts festival was on May 23rd.
It was so hot in the high school gym and we were up so high.
We were able to spot Presley though. 

Rylan's final district strings concert was the following night, May 24th
It was held in the much cooler auditorium.
There early and ready to tune up.

And walking out.  
He has signed up to play saxophone at Foothills. 

Presley had her final Foothills Middle School choir concert on May 30th.
The class got to choose one song to sing and their teachers chose one. 
The 8th graders did a phenomenal job of Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror".
Mrs. Richmond has loved Presley the last 3 years!
 A group of them went out to Dairy Queen for a treat after their concert. 

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