Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Last Day of School: June 15th, 2018

August 30th, 2017
First Day of School
June 15th, 2018
Last Day of School
(Logan was up this morning, but his last final was on Thursday the 14th so that was his official last day of school.  He was being a butt head about taking a picture, and I just wasn't up to making him come stand out on the porch.)

It was a big morning for our two graduates. 
About a month ago, his teacher sent home a letter explaining the dress code for 5th grade promotion. 
He has really wanted us to rent him a tuxedo so the bow tie he picked out was actually a compromise.
(this coming from the kid who wore active shorts or soccer pants and tee shirts pretty much every day this school year).

Dad straightening his bow tie. 

Woah!  Presley looked so beautiful and grown up. 
I love that Ry chose to wear the shoes that are embroidered with the name Logan on the side.
 (the same ones Logan wore for his 5th grade graduation ceremony)
I went searching for a picture of Logan at his 5th grade promotion wearing the same shoes that Ry did,  and this was the only one where you could see the shoes.  

And Harper graduating 2nd grade. 
I'll no longer have a kid in the K-2 wing of the school. 

Both Presley and Rylan had their promotion ceremonies. 

It was a half day of school, so we watched some World Cup soccer. 
The kids swam. 
(Presley was at an 8th grade party).
 Dave and Logan headed to Yakima for a friendly soccer game. 
And Presley stayed the night with her friends. 

Ry and Harper celebrated the end of the school year with some Sumo Hibachi. 
Another 5th grade student and her mom were there too and they congratulated Rylan on winning the principal leadership award. 

And the nightly musical beds have begun!
Harper and Rylan sleeping together in Presley's bed since she was at her friends house. 

Welcome to summer!

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