Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Last Few Days of School

Rylan had the big puberty talk at school.
He was flexing his arm muscles at dinner one night, and Dave said, "I wonder why you're getting so strong?" (thinking he'd say push ups or soccer workouts or something like that) and he said, "It's puberty."

Ry took his field trip to tour Foothills Middle School.
Presley was his group's ASB Leader. 

Rylan won some athletic awards at his school.

Sunnyslope BBQ day. 
I was happy that Ry and his friends came to sit with me and eat. 
Harper's friends too!
Presley went to her first middle school dance. 
It was a Hawaiian theme.
She said the most danced to song was Miley Cyrus', "Party in the USA".
Rylan was in the geography bee for his school.
He went out on Morocco, accidentally pointing to Monaco...UGH!
He actually did study for this over the weekend. 

The graduating class goes to visit their former schools.
This is Presley's friend, Grace, who was also a teen director of Aladdin.

Ry's field trip to Rotary Park.
Presley's bowling alley field trip.

She also got to have an ice cream treat with her friend Kate today. 

Wait, what?   Our Mylee is a senior!
Celebrating end of the year test victories!

This was June 14th. 
I knew Dave would be taking her to school on the last day so that I could get a good seat for us for the 5th grade ceremony. 
She flashed me the "I Love You" sign probably for the last time and I caught it!

  She also got her 8th grade Ochoa award today...
Most Organized

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