Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 22 (2018)

Day 148, Monday, May 28th
Presley made us a cake to celebrate Memorial Day.

Day 149, Tuesday, May 29th
Harper had her end of the season soccer party tonight. 

Day 150, Wednesday, May 30th
Presley and her middle school choir teacher at her final Foothill concert tonight. 

Day 151, Thursday, May 31st
Rylan had his Foothills field trip today. 
Presley was one of the ASB leaders who took them on tour. 
Ry was in Presley's group. 
She texted me this picture during the day. 

Day 152, Friday, June 1st
These two playing "Mermaids" in the pool 

Day 153, Saturday, June 2nd
Harper had a playdate today with her friend. 

Day 154, Sunday, June 3rd
Rylan and Dave were in Yakima this week-end for the Yak-Attack tourney. 
Ry's team took 2nd place. 

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