Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Memorial Week-End

It was a beautiful week-end at home for us. 
We weren't sure how well Logan would be feeling and we were thankful for that extra day of rest and recovery. 

We went to see the new Han Solo movie.

On Saturday, Joe, Lanae, Cristy, Dan and Laurie and Mathew came to watch Mathew play baseball in Wenatchee. 
Ry had a soccer game and then I came over to the baseball field and got to see Mathew pitch for a few innings. 

Rylan had a playdate, 
and they swam for a while. 

Dave bought a dolphin floatie and they named it Little Debi the Dolphin.

The kids rode bikes down to the retention pond (the same area they sledded and "skied" on 5 months ago).
We let Logan take the doors off his jeep and he took them for a ride. 
Rylan said it was like being on the Disney ride, "Indiana Jones".

The kids played Roblox on their computers.

We watched the Cavaliers defeat the Celtics in game 7 of the Eastern Conference Championships 
(The Cavs would be swept by the Golden State Warriors in the finals).

Presley made us a red, white, and blue cake to end the Memorial week-end.

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