Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Christmas with the Legard's (2017)

Joe and Lanae hosted Christmas at their house this year. 
We changed gift giving with the Legard's this year.  Everybody drew one name to buy a gift for that  person. 

I didn't take very many pictures at Joe and Lanae's. 
We got their early enough to grab a picture with Papa before everyone else arrived. 
Papa shook Logan's hand and brought him to his knees and Ry decided to lean in for a hug instead. 

Miryn came right in and hugged Rylan. 
Cristy painted these pictures for each family. 

 Grandma (photo bomber), Holly, Mylee, and Presley

Amy got this picture of us. 
Rylan, Miryn, and Lincoln played cars downstairs. 
Cousins before dinner with Mike and Dave

Thomas, Logan, Mylee, Presley, Harper, Ry, and Miryn
Joe and Lanae worked really hard to get their garage ready for all of us.  It's been tricky to find a location that's large enough to fit about 30 people.  It was really nice in there and worked out perfectly.  
Papa sat across from us

The Nihill's

We tried to get a cousin pyramid picture.
Poor Mylee felt so left out :)
Best Cousins Ever!

We finished up over at Joe and Lanae's about 6'ish and headed to Grandma and Papa Kreider's!
Our busy Christmas Day continued on....

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