Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Christmas Morning 2017!

Santa had made it to our house!
One of my most vivid childhood memories is how all the beautifully wrapped Christmas presents looked under the tree, and how full the living room looked with all the packages. 

It's hard to make it look like that when all your kids want small (but very expensive) electronics for Christmas. 

You can barely see the four white Apple boxes with bows!
(I knew they'd be happy but the room just didn't feel full of gifts)

We woke up to snow so Dave shoveled so his parents would have an easy walk way. 

Dad teasing the kids and giving them "hints" at what was waiting for them. 

An iPad Pro
A new IPhone
An IPad just for Ry
And an iPod Touch for Harper

An ice-scraper for Logan's car 
I thought I was going to have to give him this early :)
Legos for Ry
A Stranger Things sweatshirt for Presley
Logan received Gucci slides from us. 
(He was fairly warned that he wouldn't have as many gifts under the tree)
Rylan played Jingle Bells for us while breakfast cooked. 

Grandma and Papa left about 11 AM

And we finished cleaning up the best we could, getting ready and out the door by 12:30. 
On our way to the Tri-Cities

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