Monday, January 29, 2018

Christmas Eve 2017

We haven't had much snow yet this year, but there was a enough for the neighborhood kids to meet outside for some sledding, skiing, and snowboarding behind our house. 

Logan built a little jump off into the retention pond. He used his skis and Rylan used his snowboard to take the jump.  Presley and Harper sledded. 

The kids came in and helped peel potatoes. 
Logan and Harper helped put squeeze cheese and cream cheese on celery. 
Dave cooked a ham. 

Papa and Grandma came over for an early dinner.  We ate about 1:30. 
And they left to head back home about 4:30. 

So the rest of the evening we played Risk (Dave won, even though Logan and Rylan tried to squash his armies), watched A Christmas Story and White Christmas, and tracked Santa. 
Santa was in North Eastern Canada at this point. 

We finally got to open our jammies from Grandma and Papa Kreider. 

And put out the cookies, milk and our magical key. 
It looks like Harper has a mouthful of cookies herself here. 

Dad read Twas the Night Before Christmas 

And everyone slept in Logan's room. 

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