Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 2 (2017)

Day 8, Sunday, January 8th
Putting that snow blower to use.

Day 9, Monday, January 9th
Logan received a nice note from his biology teacher today. 

Day 10, Tuesday, January 10th
Ry's scrimmage tonight--he was on the "skins" team. 

Day 11, Wednesday, January 11th
I finally got all of Harper's stuffed animals out of black bags after their lice isolation. 
She lined them up so perfectly after school today. 
(We're waiting on her new bed frame so her mattress is on the floor for now)

Day 12, Thursday, January 12th
Getting homework done tonight. 

Day 13, Friday, January 13th
Presley went to a friends house after practice tonight and they went to dinner.
I love the way she loves her siblings. 

Day 14, Saturday, January 14th
Grandma and Papa came to watch Logan's game tonight vs Eisenhower. 
He didn't start the game (starters never seem to be consistent) but ended with 18 points. 

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