Sunday, January 29, 2017

Basketball, Birthday parties, and Bob Ross

Ry played in his first AAU Steve Talbot tournament on January 21-23. 
He had one game on Friday night, two games on Saturday, and one on Sunday. 

Ry scored in each of the games (and they only scored like 20 points per game) so he did great. 
Definitely need to work on driving in for an easy lay-in, rather than trying to launch it from way outside. 

Logan in his first AAU tournament
(I think he was in 3rd grade here)

Presley went to her friend Ava's birthday party on Saturday night. 
I love Presley's texts to me...she was having hair issues and I had left to watch another one of Ry's games. 

Ava turned 13 and her mom texted me some pictures. 
Presley has a very caring group of friends. 
They went out to eat at Sumo's Hibachi grill and Presley took a "shot".

Over Christmas break, Ry and Dave started watching some Bob Ross episodes on Netflix. 

Ry was telling us about his day at school and said Mrs. Baeir said in class, "oh, that was a mistake." and Ry responded with a Bob Ross quote, "we don't make mistakes, we make happy accidents."
Ry's teacher responded that that was such a nice thought. 
His friend Lauren leaned over and said, "do you watch Bob Ross?" and then drew him this picture and gave it to him the next day.
(I don't watch Bob Ross but Dave told me he refers to squirrels as "little devils" and Lauren included that in her drawing.)

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