Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 1 (2017)

Day 1, Sunday, January 1st
Our first picture of 2017

Day 2, Monday, January 2nd
The new year brought more new snow.
Presley and Ry are at the top racing Harper and Logan on her new tube. 

Day 3, Tuesday, January 3rd
I was getting the kids' folders ready for school and saw this in Harper's folder. 
How to Make the Grinch Grin?
I will give him a hug and I will give him a nap. 
I giggled at her "reverse psychology" last sentence...I will tell him not to smile.

Day 4, Wednesday, January 4th
A cold, cold morning

Day 5, Thursday, January 5th
Doing cartwheels while waiting for Presley's basketball practice to end. 

Day 6, Friday, January 6th
Cuddling with Harper at the end of a long 4-day week. 
Getting back into the routine was a little tough on all of us. 

Day 7, Saturday, January 7th
A winter storm cancelled Logan's game vs. Sunnyside.

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