Monday, January 25, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 3 (2016)

Day 15, Friday, January 15th
I bought a new phone today and this sign was hanging in the window. 
A call from Rylan...I'll take that any time!

Day 16, Saturday, January 16th
Harper took a day long Stage Kids Acting class. 
She had a small speaking part in their production of Frozen. 
She had a good time. 

Day 17, Sunday, January 17th
We stopped for a little Fro Yo treat tonight. 

Day 18, Monday, January 18th
The moment Logan found out he had been selected to the Surf Academy. 

Day 19, Tuesday, January 19th
More snow today as I waited in the after school pick up line. 

Day 20, Wednesday, January 20th
Dad helping with 3rd grade math homework. 

Day 21, Thursday, January 21st
Congratulations e-mail to Logan...
and parents, make sure to  pay your registration fee,

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