Tuesday, January 19, 2016

SURF Academy: Logan's Been Selected

If you had told us 5 years ago that Logan would be selected to join a Surf Team, we would have thought this:
And we would have been very wrong.  

On Monday we received the official email that the Surf Soccer Team selections had been posted. 
Dave and I looked first and scrolled through the list really quickly and saw Logan's name listed toward the bottom of the list. 
He had made the team. 

Logan was downstairs and we called him to come upstairs. 
We didn't waste any time telling him that the list had been posted and he had made the team. 
He immediately started crying and saying "no way" and "really?".
He was a bundle of emotions.
It was a very sweet moment to witness. 

He asked to look at the list and Rylan pointed out his name. 
Then he looked to see his name for himself and to check who else had made the team. 

At the last combine, the coaches separated the boys into 2 teams, Eastside vs. Westside. 
There were rumors that, because of the amount of '01 boys trying out, the PSPL would choose to have a team on each side of the state. 
(they did do this for the Boys '02 and Boys '03)
But the 2001 boys will be just one team. 
Logan's friend Colby made the team too. 
Logan and Colby were the only 2001 boys from Wenatchee that made this team. 
Logan was one of three goalies selected and the only goalie from the East side of the state
 (the other two live in the Seattle area).
Presley came out of her room and told him she was so happy for him. 

We are so very proud of you Logan!

Later that night, Logan looked at the Surf Uniforms, which are blue, white, and gray, and said, "whew, I'm lucky our colors are not green and yellow".  Ha ha!

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