Monday, November 9, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 44 (2015)

Day 302, Thursday, October 29th
Harper putting her own flair on the I Love You sign at school drop off. 

Day 303, Friday, October 30th
Orange and Black day at school

Day 304, Saturday, October 31st
Trick or Treating with Luke Skywalker, a nerd and a cowgirl. 

Day 305, Sunday, November 1st
Sorting out our Halloween candy. 

Day 306, Monday, November 2nd
These two are almost always touching each other. 
They watched TV like this for a long time. 

Day 307, Tuesday, November 3rd
So nice to see a sunrise this morning. 

Day 308, Wednesday, November 4th
Finally filling the pool!!  

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