Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Super Sized Saturday

 Thomas, Amy, Alyson, Mylee, and their cousin Madeline, Samee, Nate, Miryn, and Grandma all joined us in Wenatchee for a fun Saturday.  We started with breakfast at Wild Huckleberries, then went to float the river, and then had a late lunch and birthday party for our sweet August kids.

Well hello backlight...this is all of us. 
Photography is not really in my set of skills. 

We finally all made it up to our house and the float the river team got ready to go. 
Thomas, Dave, and Nate had to take several trips to get all the tubes and all the people down to the river. 
Rylan, Harper, and I got to watch Miss Miryn at home while they floated. 
I didn't get any floating pictures this time via text, but I did take a few of our time with Miryn. 
We stacked rings. 
We cruised the furniture. 
We played roll with the soccer ball. 
Samee told me that Miryn would probably fall asleep at some point for her nap so I laid her down and went to the kitchen.  I looked over to check on her and found Ry had climbed in and was teaching her how to play Minecraft on the IPad. 
So we loaded up and picked up the birthday cake at Safeway. 
(She did fall asleep in the car on the ride home)

Harper wrote this sign to warn the river crew to be quiet because "baby sleeping". 

We had a nice big lunch and opened presents. 

Presley's turn
She got the 1D movie.
And then she opened her present from mom and dad...tickets to go see 1D in Arizona with mom. 
(I know this is so many pictures of this moment, but I want to remember her reaction forever)
She cried (not gonna lie, I did too).
Bless her heart. 
I'll never know what it's like to give away a million dollars, but I bet it wouldn't be as good as this moment was...truly priceless. 

Harper opened her presents too.  She was so happy with the My Little Pony things and her new soccer shoes. 

Logan and Rylan got a little message from Papa Berries.

Our special birthday kids blew out the candles. 

That's Miryn's daddy taking pics too. 

I think Mylee had spent too much time with those crazy Nelson kids. 

Sweet Story:  The next day I was cleaning up and asked Rylan what he'd like to do with the monkey picture from Papa Berries and he told me to put it with his other one.  I didn't know what he was talking about so he closed his bedroom door to show me the back of it (we never close his bedroom door going up the stairs) and there was another monkey picture with a message from Papa.  So we hung them both up together. 

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