Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 31

Day 211, Wednesday, July 30th
I called the air conditioning company first thing this morning and they said they'd probably be able to squeeze me in sometime today.  So I waited, and waited, and waited at the house, not wanting to miss their call.  Finally they showed up at 4:39 when it was 93 degrees in our house.  It was cool by the morning time. 

Day 212, Thursday, July 31st
Dave left for San Diego this afternoon.  He took this picture of the wildfire near Leavenworth outside his plane window. 

Day 213, Friday, August 1st
We finally went to the indoor trampoline park in Tri-Cities.
Rylan ran and ran and played dodgeball. 
The kids loved this.

Day 214, Saturday, August 2nd
Happy Birthday to the Nelson kids from Cristy.
She bought their way into the trampoline park today for their birthdays. 

Day 215, Sunday, August 3rd
Yay for a visit to Papa Berries.

Day 216, Monday, August 4th
A little dinner clean up teamwork going on. 

Day 217, Tuesday, August 5th
This good looking boy who made me a mom turned 13!!

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