Monday, August 25, 2014

For our 11 year old girlie

Our beautiful Presley,

You are eleven today.  ELEVEN!! And here's one thing I've learned this year...I adore you at this new stage somewhere between childhood and a teenager.

You are quite nervous to be a fifth grader.  You told me that you're afraid there will be "drama" with your friends and you're nervous about the puberty talk (thank you Logan!!).  You're also worried about the end of the school year already,  mentioning how you'll cry because some of your friends are going to go to Pioneer and how you won't be at the same school as Harper when she goes to kinder.  But you must somewhat excited too because you also said you're looking forward to seeing Ry at lunch time.  You told me that this year you can go over to his class lunch table and you'll give him and all his friends a hug.  You've become such a good and consistent reader this summer.  You've enjoyed long chapter books, and like your mama, you prefer to hold a real book, rather than read books on your Kindle.  I think you're mostly looking forward to seeing your friends everyday again.

I am sitting her at the park watching you have your first soccer practice of the fall season.  You are no more competitive this year than you were last year, happy to use this hour as social hour.  You just ran by me at a very slow jog pace, talking to Taylor and Kaylee about the ice bucket challenge.  We've tried lots of different sports activities through the years, but you just don't have the desire to make baskets, shoot goals, run and jump in track, or do organized gymnastics.  You just don't have a competitive spirit or bone in your body.  You are most happy doing tons of tricks and jumping really high on the trampoline.  Logan's PE teacher told him this phrase over and over (and he repeated):  "active for life".  We talk alot about that, how you don't have to do a sport, but you do need to be active daily.  I so loved watching you dance at Samee and Nate's wedding.  And you swim like no other--we often call you "our fish".  You have spent so many hours at the pool swimming and diving down deep. You can't wait to go to Hawaii again so you can swim in the ocean.  You're such a beach babe.  We want you to have a strong body, a strong heart, and a strong mind.

You are such a bright little star.  You've always had such a kind spirit and been such a sweet person.  I've seen you this year shed tears because of problems Logan was having in school, wanting to protect him, and often telling me what you'd say if you heard kids talk badly about Logan.  You are fiercely protective and loyal to him, and to your friends too.  You also have a sensitive heart too.  Logan has made you cry plenty this year from his teasing.  You are pretty good at letting it roll right off your back.  You have such a nurturing personality which has made you a good sister and friend.  And I should also mention what a loving cousin you've been to baby Miryn.  You are a little mama to her when you see her, so sweet with your words, and just want to hold her and love on her.  You write the sweetest messages in cards to mom and dad, and you write lovely thank you notes.   Because of these attributes you have quite a group of nice friends:  Taylor, Kaylee, Lauren, Kylie, Ainsley, Ella.  Be a person others know they can rely on.  Work hard to be a friend, but know that everyone makes mistakes that can hurt other people.  Never be afraid to own up to your mistakes and say you're sorry and mean it.  Other people you think of as a friend will hurt you too.  When they exclude you or say cruel things, try not to let it break your heart.  Realize that everyone makes mistakes, even you...remember to ask for forgiveness and be willing to give it, and show kindness and love to others.

I do worry about how our relationship will be evolving over the next few years. I know it's a natural progression.  I get it, but I can't say I'm ready to embrace that.  I love where you are right now...happily playing Moshi Monsters on the computer and listening to 1D songs on your IPod, watching Gravity Falls with Logan or My Little Pony with Harper, watching more tweeny shows like H2O all by yourself up in our room, writing your own little songs and designing and drawing dresses in your sketch notebook, Face Timing your friends, or playing High School Story.  Just today, you four built a big fort and you played zoo together.  You are so excited to go see 1D in Arizona--just the two of us!!  The next few years will be a see saw of up and down emotions.  You'll probably value the opinion of your friends more than you'll value mine.  You are still a baby in my heart.  Be true to yourself.  It is my hope that you'll always know how important your family is, that you know you were loved as a little girl and now through these tween and teen years and into adulthood too.

You have brought us more joy than we ever dreamed possible.  You are loved so very deeply, by your mom, dad, brothers, and sister.  You make us laugh, you challenge us, you teach us, and most of all, you make us love you a little more each day.  Keep being're amazing!

We Love You,
Mom and Dad

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