Sunday, August 31, 2014

For our precious FIVE year old...

Dear Harper,

Today you are FIVE...a whole hand!!  This year your birthday was spent at a soccer tournament in Redmond.  You were with Mom, Logan, Presley, and Rylan.  Logan remembered first thing in the morning to wish you a happy birthday, and then Presley and Ry also remembered.  At breakfast this morning the waitress asked how old you were and you said, "4 1/2" but then I reminded you that today was your birthday and you are now officially five.

This year was your first year at pre-school.  You went 3 days a week for a total of 12 hours.  You definitely learned a lot, writing and spelling your name and learning a lot of letters and numbers.  But school was not your favorite part of your week.  You were definitely most happy spending time with mom.

I love the sweet conversations we have.  You do talk a lot I think and ask questions like how I can get an apple tree to grow (you and Ry planted seeds this spring) and do you think I look pretty today to can I help you make dinner and can I have just a few minutes (at bedtime).  You learned about bees at preschool and shared many things that you used big words like pollinate and told us how the worker bees clean the queen. It's been fun to see your little crafts from school and watch you use your imagination when playing with play-doh.  You still like mom to read to you at bedtime, but also like it when Presley reads to you or when Dad makes up his own stories for you and Ry.

You participated in a year of gymnastics.  I thought you would love it so much because of all the tricks and jumps you do on the trampoline.  And you did like it (and looked so cute in your leotard).  This year it doesn't work out with your new pre-school schedule.  You are doing soccer this fall and we already had a practice where you scored a goal, so I'm thinking all those weekends at the soccer fields have taught you a thing or two about the sport of soccer (you look super cute in your tiny cleats and shin guards too).

I loved watching your confidence and independence grow this year.  Actually, when I think about it, as your independence grew, so did mine.  This year you learned to pump your legs on a swing and buckle yourself in the car, and I seriously rank those things up with potty training.  You like to take showers more than baths now, but when you do take baths you like to make potions.  You'll still hold my hand when I stick it out for you to grab onto.  You also learned how to ride your bike with your training wheels.  But you love riding your scooter in the garage and down the driveway hill.  Logan or Presley will give you the thumbs up sign and watch you fly down the hill.  You, Presley, and Rylan play "bank" in the garage on your scooters too--riding around buying things and then having to go to the bank to get money (leaves).  You do a lot of singing and dancing and make up your own songs.  Whenever I've left this summer and left Logan in charge, you'd say, "Can me and Logan be in charge?" and when I'd get home the kids would complain about you taking that to the next level.  You've also become quite a good swimmer.  You can swim all by yourself without your puddle jumper.  You jump in and can swim out to me.  You float on your back and your can go down the slide and swim over to the side.  We swam a lot at Cashmere this summer and when you got tired of swimming in the big pool, one of the big kids would always take you over to the little area and play chase with you through the mushroom.  I could hear you guys laughing clear over in the big pool.  You love their attention.

There were so many great changes this year for you, but I also want to remember some things that did not change.  You still love, love love your Kee Kee.  It's traveled all around with us for 5 years, even making the long trek to Hawaii this year.  You still suck your thumb, especially when you're tired.  You still like me to give you choices when picking out your outfit for the next day.  You still think you'll marry Rylan.  You like to be at the school with me and go to Mom's group with me too.  All of these things are so important to who you are beautiful girl!!

It's been so fun to see how you are learning new things everyday and watch your caring little personality develop.  I am so proud of the little girl you are and even more proud to be your mommy.

All the love in the world to you my baby!!

Mom and Dad

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