Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 29

Day, 197, Wednesday, July 16th
Rylan doing a ninja kick off the diving board at swim lessons. 

Day 198, Thursday, July 17th
We took the kids to the swimming pool after dinner tonight.  This is what the sky looked like when we were leaving Cashmere.  It had started flurry-ing ashes while we were swimming.  It's an odd feeling when it's 100 degrees out and the sky is as gray as this. 

Day 199, Friday, July 18th
Logan's name in the paper for making 6th grade honor roll. 

Day 200, Saturday, July 19th
We escaped the smoke this week-end and took a trip to Seattle.  We watched the Sounders play today.  

Day 201, Sunday, July 20th
We stayed in Tukwila and spent the afternoon at the Family Fun Center. 
Presley and Dave were out to win in the go-carts. 

Day 202, Monday, July 21st
Presley holds Harper's towel open for her after her lesson is over. 
Gray, smoky skies still.

Day 203, Tuesday, July 22nd
Rylan for the pin (with a little Harper help). 

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