Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 26

Day 176, Wednesday, June 25th
Harper and I went to Grandma's Retirement Luncheon.
The big kids were at Camp Invention (science camp).

Day 177, Thursday, June 26th
Harper's June Jubilee with Coach Pam.
She put tattoos all over her legs right before her gymnastics today.
Thank you Presley for leaving them out :).  

Day 178, Friday, June 27th
Rylan made this car at Camp Invention. 
It won an award for Best Distance. 

Day 179, Saturday, June 28th
We had dinner with our friends the Gillin's and the Richmond's. 
The Richmond's moved to California before 5th grade.
They drive up in the summer to spend time with their family and friends. 
We also had a playdate with Joey and Haley and took them to the movie, How to Train a Dragon 2. 

Day 180. Sunday, June 29th
Only Dave could fall asleep at 2:00 in the afternoon in this position. 

Day 181, Monday, June 30th
Trampoline Fun.
They would count 1, 2, 3 and then all do a butt buster. 
They played this game for a long time. 

Day 182, Tuesday, July 1st
My mom and dad and Papa Berries gave me some money for my birthday. I've had my eye on this watch for a few months, waiting for it to go on sale before buying.  My mom is always worried that I don't spend the money on myself so I emailed her a picture of the watch I bought myself for my birthday.  She replied that it was perfect for "Big Ben's 40th".  Ha ha!! I love it!!

I'm behind on my blogging...summer fun is getting in the way.  I promise to blog Hawaii and Samee's wedding day this week.  They've been on my to-do list for a while now. 

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