Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27

Day 183, Wednesday, July 2nd
Rylan and Harper jumping together.  The trampoline is probably their favorite summer activity.  
Logan and Presley were fighting and were in a time out from jumping. 

Day 184, Thursday, July 3rd
We had some special visitors today.  Danny and Tricia drove from Richland to spend a few hours with us.  We went out for lunch at Pybus Bistro and had yogurt from Blue Spoon. 

Day 185, Friday, July 4th
Our American babies!!

Day 186, Saturday, July 5th
We rooted on the Wenatchee United Semi-Pro soccer team this evening for their last home game. 
We won 3-1.

Day 187, Sunday, July 6th
Logan is trying to earn a little extra money this summer so he's offered to mow our lawn. 
Dave is so very happy about this!!

Day 188, Monday, July 7th
There's no better place to spend hot afternoons than at the Cashmere Pool.
Logan, Presley, and Rylan all passed their swim test this year. 

Day 189, Tuesday, July 8th
On our way to Ry's soccer practice at 5:00 and it's still 103 out. 
He drank a lot of water at practice and said his stomach hurt after practice. 

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