Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28

Day 190, Wednesday, July 9th
A rare morning when Dave didn't need to be out the door at 6:30.  
Harper woke us up with some sweet snuggles.

Day 191, Thursday, July 10th
Sweet sister moment.  I took the girls to the pool on this hot afternoon and Harper forgot her flip flops so Presley gave her a piggy back ride. 

Day 192, Friday, July 11th
I hate wildfire season. 
We received our first Level 1 evacuation notice. 
Level 1 is really just precaution.
Our area never received a higher level. 

Day 193, Saturday, July 12th
 A special treat of gelato at Pybus Market.

Day 194, Sunday, July 13th
Practice flips 

Day 195, Monday, July 14th
First day of swim lessons for Harper, Rylan, and Presley

Day 196, Tuesday, July 15th
Ry lost his top front tooth (with the help of Daddy giving it one last pull).

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