Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 30

Day 204, Wednesday, July 23rd
After Logan's soccer game, Harper wasn't feeling well so she was snuggling with big brother.  What's even more important to note is that Logan had a friend in the car right to the left of him when he was loving on his little sister this way. 

Day 205, Thursday, July 24th
Last day of swim lessons for this session and Harper was one of only two in her class that jumped off the diving board and then independently swam to the side ledge. 

Day 206, Friday, July 25th
Presley has this fashion designer app on my phone and she designed her wedding dress today. 

Day 207, Saturday, July 26th
Presley and I went out to shop for school supplies and then stopped to get our toes pretty. 

Day 208, Sunday, July 27th
Logan had another evening soccer game and afterwards we took a walk down by the river. 

Day 209, Monday, July 28th
Dave was busy working this evening so I attempted the same walk we did on Sunday night.  They were all so happy to do this the night before.  Note to self:  6:00 is still too hot for a walk on July 28th unless you want to pack one whiny child on your shoulders. 

Day 210 Tuesday, July 29th
Houston, we have a problem.  
Our air conditioner stopped working today. 
It was 103 degrees outside and 90 degrees in our house at 9:15. 
This was a super comfortable night of sleep :). 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Smoke-less in Seattle

Wenatchee had been so smoky with all the surrounding fires so we made a last minute decision to get out of town.  We headed to the Seattle area to enjoy some fresher air.

This is the big welcome to Pateros sign that is no longer. When we first moved back to Wenatchee we actually looked at a couple houses here and on Alta Lake.  Both areas have been devastated by the wildfires...something like 100 buildings and houses have been lost. 

We lucked out because the Seattle Sounders had a friendly home game so we bought tickets for that. 
Clint Dempsey played today and it was revealed that his picture would be on the 2015 FIFA World Cup Soccer XBOX game.  It was a fun game and very packed.  They tied this game. 
We decided to drive to the Space Needle and go to the top. 
It was a crowded day in the city because of a festival called "Bite of Seattle". 
Presley pointing out Century Link Field. 
Rylan checking things out. 

Leave it to Dave to find the one safety wire held together by electrical tape. 

We left Seattle and drove to our hotel in Tukwila and had dinner at California Pizza.
Then we went swimming at our hotel and got ready for bed. 

We woke up on Sunday and wanted to walk to Starfire. 
This is where Logan's soccer craze really began when he played in a Labor Day tournament for Wenatchee Fire 2 years ago.  
The facility was open so we played on their turf fields for a couple hours. 
There was another little boy shooting too (boy in green shorts) so Logan and Rylan invited him to play. 
They shot penalty kicks on Dave. 
Oh, and we did some gymnastics too. 

Then we went over to the Family Fun Center in Tukwila.
We had so much fun!!
All the kids did the trampoline. 

Logan, Presley, and Rylan did the giant swing. 
Rylan did not like this at all.
But Presley and Logan did it a couple more times.

Dave and Presley and Logan rode the go-carts.

Rylan and Harper did the kiddie go-carts.

Rylan did the bumper boats.

Harper couldn't do the big kid rides so I took her over to the kiddie land and she did the swings and the planes there. 

We went out to eat dinner at The Cheesecake Factory and then we headed home.

Fun way to escape the icky smokiness of Wenatchee. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 29

Day, 197, Wednesday, July 16th
Rylan doing a ninja kick off the diving board at swim lessons. 

Day 198, Thursday, July 17th
We took the kids to the swimming pool after dinner tonight.  This is what the sky looked like when we were leaving Cashmere.  It had started flurry-ing ashes while we were swimming.  It's an odd feeling when it's 100 degrees out and the sky is as gray as this. 

Day 199, Friday, July 18th
Logan's name in the paper for making 6th grade honor roll. 

Day 200, Saturday, July 19th
We escaped the smoke this week-end and took a trip to Seattle.  We watched the Sounders play today.  

Day 201, Sunday, July 20th
We stayed in Tukwila and spent the afternoon at the Family Fun Center. 
Presley and Dave were out to win in the go-carts. 

Day 202, Monday, July 21st
Presley holds Harper's towel open for her after her lesson is over. 
Gray, smoky skies still.

Day 203, Tuesday, July 22nd
Rylan for the pin (with a little Harper help). 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28

Day 190, Wednesday, July 9th
A rare morning when Dave didn't need to be out the door at 6:30.  
Harper woke us up with some sweet snuggles.

Day 191, Thursday, July 10th
Sweet sister moment.  I took the girls to the pool on this hot afternoon and Harper forgot her flip flops so Presley gave her a piggy back ride. 

Day 192, Friday, July 11th
I hate wildfire season. 
We received our first Level 1 evacuation notice. 
Level 1 is really just precaution.
Our area never received a higher level. 

Day 193, Saturday, July 12th
 A special treat of gelato at Pybus Market.

Day 194, Sunday, July 13th
Practice flips 

Day 195, Monday, July 14th
First day of swim lessons for Harper, Rylan, and Presley

Day 196, Tuesday, July 15th
Ry lost his top front tooth (with the help of Daddy giving it one last pull).

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27

Day 183, Wednesday, July 2nd
Rylan and Harper jumping together.  The trampoline is probably their favorite summer activity.  
Logan and Presley were fighting and were in a time out from jumping. 

Day 184, Thursday, July 3rd
We had some special visitors today.  Danny and Tricia drove from Richland to spend a few hours with us.  We went out for lunch at Pybus Bistro and had yogurt from Blue Spoon. 

Day 185, Friday, July 4th
Our American babies!!

Day 186, Saturday, July 5th
We rooted on the Wenatchee United Semi-Pro soccer team this evening for their last home game. 
We won 3-1.

Day 187, Sunday, July 6th
Logan is trying to earn a little extra money this summer so he's offered to mow our lawn. 
Dave is so very happy about this!!

Day 188, Monday, July 7th
There's no better place to spend hot afternoons than at the Cashmere Pool.
Logan, Presley, and Rylan all passed their swim test this year. 

Day 189, Tuesday, July 8th
On our way to Ry's soccer practice at 5:00 and it's still 103 out. 
He drank a lot of water at practice and said his stomach hurt after practice.