Thursday, May 9, 2013

My "B" Post

We've had lots of other things going on besides Logan's soccer--I owe Rylan and Presley each their own soccer post too.  I started looking at my phone pics and discovered I have been taking a lot of "B" letter pictures.


I struggled for a while with blogging because I used to keep lots of the kids' art, special letters, sports and class pictures, etc in a clear sheet protecter in our yearly scrapbook.  But since I'm not scrapbooking I started looking for a place to keep their cute stuff.  I decided on this box from Paper Coterie.  It will fit lots of their stuff, and it's deep so maybe I can even use it for more than one year.  Kids, if you're reading this someday and want to know where your soccer picture is from 2013, find this box.
Right now, Starbucks is having a half price sale on their frappuccinos.  The kids are always asking for one whenever Dave and I get coffee.  So I surprised them last Friday after school and got them each their own frap--they thought they were big stuff.

It's possible that the only thing Harper has learned in the past 8 months of dance are bridges.  She does them all. the. time.  One night, she had Dad, Logan, and Ry doing them too.  After Harper's Apple Blossom performance I was telling her what a good job she did and she said, "darn, I forgot to do my bridge at the end" no point in her dance is she supposed to stop and put herself in the bridge position.

Last Sunday we drove to Cashmere and had breakfast at the Anjou Bakery.  It was a beautiful morning.

Harper one day after dance class--at least she was washing her hands after going to the bathroom.

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