Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 51 (2020)

 Day 351, Wednesday, December 16th

The kids made their gingerbread houses tonight. 
Harper and Presley's won.

Day 352, Thursday, December 17th

Rylan's Christmas Concert tonight. 

Day 353, Friday, December 18th

Harper's online class Christmas party today
Grandma and Papa came to visit us tonight and they loved using our hot tub. 

Day 354, Saturday, December 19th
Took a walk in the drained out canal today. 

Day 355, Sunday, December 20th

I went out shopping with Presley today and found this painted wall downtown. 

Day 356, Monday, December 21st

Logan has been running each morning on the loop trail and a lady he sees and greets each morning was handing out bags of goodies.  

Day 357, Tuesday, December 22nd

We went to go see house lights tonight. 

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