Thursday, December 10, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 49 (2020)

 Day 337, Wednesday, December 2nd

Getting down the Christmas dishes for me. 

Day 338, Thursday, December 3rd

We read our Thankful notes tonight after dinner. 

Day 339, Friday, December 4th

Harper had a one on one meeting/check in with her teacher today. 
I thought it would be much warmer at the park than it actually was. 

Day 340, Saturday, December 5th

Harper reading a Christmas book to Presley. 

Day 341, Sunday, December 6th

Logan's official grades were posted finally...ALL A's...a 4.0!

Day 342, Monday, December 7th

Drop off at school--masks and I Love You signs

Day 343, Tuesday, December 8th
We received a nice letter for Rylan today. 
Student of the month for November. 

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