Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December Days

We sent out our 2020 Christmas Card

I bought one new decoration this year...seemed perfect for this year!

We decorated the tree and Presley's name was picked from the hat to put the star up. 

Grandma and Papa and Archie stayed with us overnight. 
They brought us our stockings in a sealed box to be opened at our Christmas Zoom Party. 

Miryn and a friend went skiing at Bluewood. 
Logan went skiing at Mission Ridge too, but he didn't take any pictures. 
Rylan's band teacher put together a virtual Christmas concert. 
Ry's group played "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"

Presley wrapped up Chewy. 

We did our gingerbread house contest and Presley and Harper won this year. 
We watched White Christmas downstairs in the movie room.
Our Buddy the Elf moved locations each night.  
He took a fall this particular morning while Logan was cooking eggs. 

We loaded up to go look at lights. 

Our live Christmas Card Tree filled up. 

We got a little bit of snow this month, just enough to go sledding a couple of times. 
Ry and Harper here (Ry's bailing, Harper's holding on)

I made reindeer pancakes for Christmas Eve morning. 
Presley did all the baking this year.  She made sugar cookies for the first time. 

Logan did his very best to annoy Presley on a regular basis. 

Jupiter and Saturn were the closest they would be on December 21st. 
But it rained all day and was too cloudy to see it that evening. 
But, I took Chewy out in the morning of December 22nd and thought I saw it while looking East (top picture). 
And we looked out Harper's window in the evening December 22nd and was pretty sure we were seeing Saturn and Jupiter.  
This was known as the Big Conjunction and The Christmas Star. 
This was published as a free download on a local photographers site. 
The cross is lit year round. 

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