Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week13 (2020)

Day 85, Wednesday, March 25th
Trying some different things for online school.  

Day 86, Thursday, March 26th
A little chalk art project. 
This took me much longer to tape off than it did for them to color. 

Day 87, Friday, March 27th
We did an artist study of Wassily Kandisky today. 

Day 88, Saturday, March 28th
More Texas Hold 'Em tonight. 
These three didn't want anyone to read their eyes for card clues. 

Day 89, Sunday, March 29th
We started a 1000 piece puzzle tonight. 
(I went to buy a couple more off Amazon and the ones we were interested in were sold out)

Day 90, Monday, March 30th
Puppy Haircut

Day 91, Tuesday, March 31st
Wrestling with a hyper Chewy. 

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