Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID-19, the first days

Admittedly, I did not fully grasp the severity of the global pandemic, COVID-19 (Coronavirus). 
My first thoughts were distant--this was a virus with no vaccine that had manifested in the countries of China and Italy, and to remember to wash our hands and cough and sneeze in our elbow. 
And then it seemed like it hit closer to home--Washington State in fact--a nursing home in Kirkland had several deaths related to COVID-19. 

But then the kids' awards banquets and band concerts and choir concerts were cancelled and non-business related personnel couldn't come to the schools.  And all social gatherings were limited to 50, then 25, then 10 people.
Then the spring sports seasons were cancelled through April 5th.  The remaining games in Ry's PSPL soccer season was postponed, then fully cancelled. 
And then on March 13th, Governor Inslee mandated the closure of all schools until April 27th. 
And all bars and restaurants were closed (take-out only).
All elective surgeries and dental appointments were halted in order to reserve medical equipment. 
A triage tent was set up at our hospital to treat patients who may be infected with the virus. 
Our Las Vegas trip was cancelled. 
(I know there were other major National and world-wide events that were cancelled, but this is how it effected us)

All of this seemed to happen so quickly!

Here's our first week or so of social distancing/self-isolation...
It was just an odd feeling...we were home all day from school for the next 6 weeks. 
I attempted some home schooling, not sure of what I was doing, with no direction from our school district yet.  
We had conferences scheduled for March 12th and 13th so those days were planned off. 
The kids went back to school for one day on March 16th. 
I hadn't planned to take this picture, but I kind of got worried the night before that March 16th might be their last day of school for the rest of their SENIOR, SOPHOMORE, SEVENTH AND FOURTH grade. 

I ran to Costco to hopefully stock up for self-isolation (there were no Clorox wipes, but I did buy paper towels and toilet paper).

I got there 15 minutes before opening and this is the line to get in. 
It was not chaotic once you got in but it was definitely crowded. 
Rylan and Presley made churros that looked like this!  They were tasty tho!

Ry and Logan went on a bike ride with a group of teens around the loop.  
(It was still okay to be in groups of 20 or less at this time)
Dave's dad needed pellets from Coastal for his grill so Ry helped him pick those up. 
Ry also wanted this hat, but mom said no. 
They drove to Waterville to deliver. 

Kenny Rogers passed away this week so we listened to all his greatest hits. 
We tried to do some schoolwork independently (that didn't go too smoothly).

Dave taught us to play Texas Hold 'Em

Cristy FaceTimed the kids and challenged us to do some sidewalk chalk messages. 

We picked up Chewy on March 23rd.

And memes helped us to laugh...

Luckily, it was nice and springy out and we were able to be outside while keeping distance from others.  

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